Relationship Testing: Do Siblings Have the Same DNA?

Relationship Testing: Do Siblings Have the Same DNA?

DNA contains information that determines eye color, hair color, height, and even the size of your nose. In fact, DNA contained in your cells is responsible for these physical attributes and many more. You and your siblings are a slightly different combination of your mother and father’s DNA. This explains why you and your sibling’s physical features resemble a combination of both parents and why your sister or even brother looks more like your mom than you do.

Example Infidelity Test Results

How Does Infidelity Testing Work?

Maybe you’ve been suspicious about the behavior of your partner lately and wonder if they are having an affair but don’t know how to find out. Have you found unexplained stains on a pair of underwear or sheets with signs of sexual activity? Or perhaps you’ve found stains in his car or on the furniture that can’t be explained?  Is there a way to prove your husband or wife is having an affair? How does Infidelity DNA Testing really work?  What kind of forensic infidelity tests are there to test for adultery?

Most Common Infidelity Tests

Semen Detection

The semen detection test used by Validity Genetics is a test to detect semenogelin. This test is highly accurate and specific to human semen. It will detect even the most diluted samples of semen or semen mixed with other body fluids. Put plainly, this semen test will not cross react with other proteins or enzymes and will not cause a false positive result.  For this very reason it is the semen detection test governmental crime and forensic labs use to confirm the presence of semen on a sample. It is the gold standard in criminal and forensic cases.

The Semen Detection Test will have two possible results:

  • Negative: Semen was not detected.

  • Positive: Semen was detected.

Please Note: Semen can be detected by our Semen Detection test, but may not have DNA present in a high enough quantity to obtain a DNA profile. This can be for many different reasons. The donor may be possibly vasectomized, oligospermic, or aspermic.

What to do after a positive Semen Detection Test

If a positive test result is reported, and enough visible sperm are present to warrant supplemental testing we recommend that an Infidelity Test be performed. This test will extract the profile(s) from the sample and can compare your, or anothers, DNA against the profiles found.

A positive result for the presence of semen without detection of male DNA can mean that either the male DNA is present in extremely low amounts relative to any DNA present, or that the male contributor is possibly vasectomized, oligospermic, or aspermic. An infidelity test may be performed when no sperm is visible at a clients discretion; however, results are not guaranteed.

Please note that the type of Semen Detection Test used by our Laboratory does not cross react with other fluids to produce false positives even if there is no sperm/DNA present.

Infidelity DNA Test

A DNA Infidelity Test is the ultimate test for those who want to get peace of mind or to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that their partner is being unfaithful. DNA in humans is 99.9 percent identical.  It’s the last 0.1 percent of the DNA profile that makes each of us unique.  Comparing those sections of the DNA that are different is how we determine if two samples of DNA come from the same person. The chances of another person’s DNA matching yours are a billion to one. There’s no denying the presence of DNA that doesn’t belong to you. If you’ve found underwear, clothing, panty liners, or other items with signs of semen or sexual activity it can be tested for DNA.  Testing is normally completed within five to ten business days and can tell you if the semen or DNA in a stain is yours or someone else’s.

Our Advanced Infidelity Test is a DNA comparison test that shows you if DNA is present, the gender, if your reference DNA profile (or other sample you provide) matches what is produced from the sample, and display the DNA profiles found.  The reference sample is usually in the form of a buccal or cheek swab, but many different items can be used. This test is done when you want to confirm that any DNA present does or does not belong to you or your partner. This test is most commonly done as an Autosomal test but can be run as a Y-STR test to test for only male DNA markers.

Example Infidelity Test Results

Semen Detection Test Results Example:


Example Semen Detection Test Results


Explanation of Semen Detection Results

Item #### produced a POSITIVE result for the presence of semen. Semen was detected on this item - Semen was found on the Special Sample

Item #### produced a NEGATIVE result for the presence of semen. Semen was not detected on this item - Semen was not found on the Special Sample

Please note, our Semen Detection test does not give false positives. But may not always be able to generate a DNA profile if additional testing is performed.

Infidelity Test Results Examples:

Example Infidelity DNA Test Results Page 1 - Validity Genetics

Example Infidelity DNA Test Results Page 2 - Validity Genetics

Explanation of Infidelity Test Results

DNA from a Male/Female contributor was detected on item #### - DNA was detected on the Special Sample tested

DNA was not detected on item #### - DNA was not detected on the Special Sample tested

Samples produced a DNA profile from a Male/Female contributor - If DNA was detected on a Special Sample this will clearly state whether the profile found is Male or Female

Samples produced a Mixed DNA profile from a Male and Female contributor - If DNA was detected on a Special Sample from multiple sources this will state that both Male and Female DNA was found

The DNA profile obtained from Reference Swab is consistent with the DNA profile(s) obtained from items #### tested and cannot be excluded as a contributor - The DNA profile found on the Special Sample matches the DNA profile on the Reference Swab

The DNA profile obtained from Reference Swab is inconsistent with the DNA profile(s) obtained from items #### tested and can be excluded as a contributor - The DNA profile found on the Special Samples does not match the DNA profile on the Reference Swab and can be ruled out as a contributor

Item produced a mixed DNA profile from (multiple) contributors. At least one contributor is Male and one contributor is Female. The gender(s) of (multiple) contributor(s) is indeterminate - The DNA found is a mixture. Depending on if any of the DNA profiles are present as a comparison we may not be able to separate all the profiles from one another. While we may be able to put a number to how many contributors are found we may not be able to give an exact amount of contributors or specify which contributors are male and which are female.

Other Types of Infidelity Tests

Another infidelity testing option is DNA Detection Test. This will determine if DNA is present and if it’s male or female or a mixture of people. This test is used when you only need to know if there is male or female DNA present on a item. For example, if you want to know if male DNA is present on female clothing or vice versa. This type of test does not include a comparison reference swab or display any DNA profiles found.

Saliva Detection tests can be performed much like a Semen Detection Test. It will only test for the presence of saliva.

Contact us to see how we can help or to build an Infidelity Test that is specific to your needs. For this and more information on DNA and Paternity testing write us at: or through Facebook messenger to chat with a representative.

Example Paternity Test Results

Paternity DNA Test Results

We are often asked by our clients what exactly the DNA test results of our Paternity Test show, or will look like. We have provided sample paternity test reports, one positive and one negative, to demonstrate what information will be provided in the report.

Detailed Paternity Test Results Report Overview

The paternity test results contains the following main sections in the report, each displaying important information.

  • Statement of Results

  • Genetic System Table (Locus/Allele chart)

  • Combined Direct (Paternity) Index

  • Probability of Paternity

Below you can find sample reports to see what your result will look like.

Example Paternity DNA Test  – Inclusion

Example Paternity DNA Test – Exclusion

 Statement of Results

This is arguably the most important section of a Paternity DNA Test Result. Unfortunately, because of the legal wording used it can be the most confusing. The report will show one of two conclusions, an Inclusion and an Exclusion. Here are the two conclusion statements and what exactly they mean.

Inclusion = When the conclusion states, “cannot be excluded as the biological father” this means the tested male most likely IS the biological father of the child, as all data gathered from the test supports a relationship of paternity.

Exclusion = When the conclusion states, “is excluded as the biological father” this means the tested male IS NOT the biological father of the child, as all data gathered from the test does not support a relationship of paternity.

Genetic System Table

Paternity tests from Validity Genetics tests for up to 24 different locations, including sex markers, on your DNA. These locations or markers are listed in the “STR locus” column. Each marker is compared with the same locations on all of the tested parties. The DNA segments of the markers are called “alleles”, and every child inherits one copy of this DNA segment from the mother, and one copy from the father.

Our advanced DNA testing technology determines the length of each participants alleles and compares them with the lengths of the alleged father’s alleles to determine the number of matches. If the mother participates, the mother’s alleles will also be compared.

In the Inclusion example provided above, the child shown has two sets of alleles at each location tested, and you can see that at least one of these matches with the alleged father’s alleles at all locations.

In the Exclusion example, while the child shown has multiple sets of alleles that do match, there are many that do not a have corresponding match to the alleged father.

Combined Paternity Index

The Combined Paternity Index is the number on the lower right side of the report, directly under the Locus/Allele chart. If the tested male is considered the biological father, there is a number listed for the Combined Paternity Index. If the tested male is not considered the biological father, the report shows “0.” 

The Combined Paternity Index is a ratio indicating how many times more likely it is that the tested male is the biological father than a randomly-selected unrelated man with a similar ethnic background. This number varies on a case by case basis. The higher CPI number, the stronger the results.

The above sample DNA test reports are for Paternity DNA Tests without including the Mother. For other DNA test reports, such as Siblings DNA Testing, the wording will differ slightly.

Contact us for more information on DNA and Paternity testing at: or through Facebook messenger and chat with a representative right away.

Covid-19 and DNA Testing

Covid-19 and DNA Testing

Changes to DNA Testing During COVID-19

Over the coming weeks, in order to meet demand while supporting the needs and the health of our staff, we will no longer be scheduling sample collections for all DNA tests (including: Paternity, Legal, and NIPP DNA tests) at our home office, Laboratory, and with our partners across the country.

What this means to our customers:

We do NOT expect an increase in the turn around time for the results of our DNA tests at this time. We will update if and when this may change. Until then, Validity Genetics continues to receive, process, and produce the fastest most accurate DNA test results in the industry.

GPS Origins Ancestry Test Example Results

GPS Origins Ancestry Test Example Results

Ancestry Sample Report

The GPS Origins test merges the latest findings in genealogy and genetics and combines these with a new ancestry tracking tool known as the Geographic Population Structure (GPS). This test is able to pinpoint the origins of your ancestors to the finest degree. The report below is an example of the results of this test.

Understanding Your DNA Results

Understanding Your DNA Results

DNA testing results in simple terms

DNA test results will show results that will include or exclude the tested persons from being biologically related to one another. In paternity testing, the alleged father is excluded from being the biological father when he shares an insufficient number of genetic markers with the child. In this case the probability of paternity will read as 0% under the result section. When an alleged father and child share a sufficient number of genetic markers he is “included” as the biological father. The probability of paternity in this case would read as up to 99.99%.

Holiday Hours

Have a Merry Christmas!

Validity Genetics would like to extend to you and your families our very best wishes this Christmas Season. We wish you all a safe and happy holiday.

Christmas and Holiday hours

Christmas and Holiday hours

In celebration of Christmas, our offices will be closed on December 24 & 25 and reopen on December 26. During this week, from December 23 - 28, we will be on reduced office hours but all DNA testing will be unaffected.

In celebration of New Year’s, our office will be closed January 1 and will reopen on January 2.

If you need immediate support, email us at and we’ll respond as soon as we can. All other needs will be addressed when we return to the office.

Thank you for your business, and have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!